Created at Bell Labs in the 1970s, Awk is a Turing-complete programming language designed for processing text-based data files. An updated version of the original AWK language is a standard feature of nearly every modern UNIX-like operating system available today.
Bash is a software UNIX shell written for the GNU operating system. This software is free to use and can be run on most UNIX-like operating systems as well as Mac OS X and Darwin systems.
This is on of the most popular programming languages and is used for the UNIX operating system. It was created in 1972 for implementing system software but it is also widely used for developing portable application software.
First created as enhancements to the C language, C++ is a middle-level language that is widely used in the software industry. It has greatly influenced other programming languages, such as Java, and continues to dominate in systems software, video games, device drivers, and more.
Common Lisp
Also referred to as CL, this Lisp programming language is used for web browsers, free and open source software, and proprietary products. Common List has more data types that most other languages. Common Lisp sequence types include lists, vectors, bit-vectors, and strings.
This is an object-oriented programming language that enables programmers to develop extensible, reusable, reliable software. Eiffel tries to eliminate the need for bookkeeping instructions by using declarative statements instead of procedural code.
Emacs Lisp
This is a dialect of the Lisp programming language and is commonly used to customize and extend GNU Emacs and XEmacs text editors. It can also function as a scripting language and can treat functions as data.
This is a concurrent programming language and runtime system that follows the Actor model. Created in 1986 with the intention of improving the development of telephony applications, Erlang is designed to simplify concurrent programming by using language-level features and message passing instead of shared variables.
This is a stack-based, procedural computer programming language that features both interactive and execution of commands. Forth is suitable as a shell for systems that lack a formal operating system. It is not as popular as other programming systems but is still used in boot loaders, space applications, and other embedded systems.
Haskell 60
Haskell is a purely functional programming language that has non-strict semantics and strong static typing. This general-purpose functional language features list comprehensions, pattern matching, type classes, type polymorphism, and lazy evaluation.
The Icon language, with a syntax similar to C and Pascal, is derived from the ALGOL-class of structured programming languages. It is a very high-level language that features goal directed execution and has many facilities for managing strings and textual patterns.
Java is often referred to as one of the most influential programming languages of the 20th century. Released in 1995, this language devises much of its syntax from C and C++, but has fewer low-level facilities and a simpler object model. It is intended for developers to write once and run anywhere. Java is widely used from web applications to application software.
JavaScript is designed to look like Java, but be easier for novice or non-professional programmers to work with. JavaScript is primarily used as part of a web browser in order to provide enhanced user interfaces and dynamic websites. Some consider JavaScript as a functional programming language because it has closures and supports higher-order functions.
Lisp, started in 1958, is the second-oldest high-level programming language still in use today. It has changed over the years and produced several general-purpose dialects, such as Common Lisp and Scheme. All Lisp program code is written as s-expressions, or parenthesized lists, making it easily recognizable.
Lua was designed as a simple scripting language with the primary goal of having extensible semantics. It is a lightweight, reflective, imperative and functional programming language, which is primarily used in the video game industry.
Released in 1995, Mercury was designed as a functional logic programming language geared towards real-world applications. It is related to the Prolog and Haskell programming languages and is currently available for most UNIX platforms.
OCaml extends the core Caml language with robust modular and object-oriented construct, making it applicable for large-scale software engineering. OCaml's toolset includes a byte code compiler, an optimizing native code compiler, and an interactive top-level interpreter.
PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. It is a widely used, general-purpose scripting language that was designed to produce dynamic web pages in 1995. PHP code is embedded into the HTML source document. A web server with a PHP processor module can interpret the code to generate a web page document.
Perl was developed in 1987 as a general-purpose UNIX scripting language to make report processing easier. It is a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language that provides powerful text processing facilities without the data length limits of many contemporary UNIX tools.
Pike has a syntax similar to C and is a general-purpose, high-level, cross-platform, dynamic interpreted programming language. Pike requires explicit type definitions, but has a flexible type system. Pike is free software, released under the GPL, LGPL and MPL licenses.
This is a general-purpose, high-level programming language designed to emphasizes code readability and is often used as a scripting language. Similar to Scheme, Ruby, Perl, and Tcl languages, Python has a fully dynamic type system and automatic memory management. Python is also free software.
Also known as Standard ML, SML is a general-purpose, modular, functional programming language with compile-time type checking and type inference. SML programs consist of expressions to be evaluated, whereas other program languages are evaluated for statements or commands.
Scheme, one of the two main dialects of Lisp, follows a minimalist design philosophy specifying a small standard core with powerful tools for language extension. It was one of the first programming languages to support first-class continuations. Scheme's very simple syntax consists of sequences of nested lists.
Tcl is a scripting language, created in 1988, and is commonly used for rapid prototyping, scripted applications, GUIs and testing. Tcl has a loyal following in the Network Testing and SQA communities.