How to use hit counter in
simple HTML page

I. Register and Copy code

  1. Visit and click "Sign Up"
  2. Fill in all the fields and click "Sign Up"
  3. Open your inbox and confirm your account.
  4. Choose and click on one of the counter styles
  5. Inside the "Counter Code" page, click on "HTML"
  6. Select and Copy all the codes in the yellow box.
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Using Hit Counter in a simple HTML page

Continue to these next steps to use Hit Counter in simple HTML site once you did steps 1-6:

7) Open HTML file with Notepad or HTML editor applications.

8) Paste the code anywhere as long it not interfere with other HTML codes. Putting it inside or is recommended.

9) Save your HTML file


hit counter hit counter hit counter

10) Re-upload the file if you uploaded it before

11) Open your HTML site with your browser

hit counter hit counter